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上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/8/9 文件大小:75 KB





文档介绍:专业英语论文的写作方法 6. 1 总论 Overview A critical aspect of the scietific process is the reporting of new results in scientific journals in order to disseminate that information to the munity of scientists. 科研过程中一个关键方面是把你的新的研究成果发表在某些科技期刊上以便于让更多的科技工作者了解你的研究工作。 Communication of your results contributes to the pool of knowledge within your discipline(and others!)and very often provides information that helps others interpret their own experimental results. 你的研究成果的发表对你这一研究领域( 以及其它研究领域) 的研究工作是有贡献的, 而且你提供的信息往往有助于其他人解释自己的研究成果。 Most journals accept papers for publication only after peer review bya small group of scientists who work in the same field and who mend the paper be published(usually with some revision). 大多数期刊打算接收的论文都是经过一小撮和你在相同研究领域的科技工作者的评审( 及同行评审) 并同意该论文在该期刊发表的(通常有修改意见)。 The guide addresses four major aspects of writing journal-style scientific papers: 该指南对写期刊型科技论文给予了以下四个方面的建议。(1) fundamental style considerations; 考虑基本风格(类型)。(2) a suggested strategy for efficiently writing up research results: 有效的详述研究成果的建设性策略。(3) the nuts and bolts of format and content of each section ofa paper(part of learning to write a scientific paper is learning how to follow instructions precisely),and, 知道该论文每一节的格式和内容的基本情况( 我们学写一篇科技论文的一方面是学会如何严格遵守指南(说明)。(4) basic information regarding peer critiques of scientific writing. 知道关于科技写作中同行评论的基本内容。 All journals have a set of instructions for authors which explicitly state how their paper should be formatted for submission. 所有的期刊都有一套适合作者的说明须知, 它详述了论文提交时应具有什么样的格式。 Consider this guide to be your instructions when writing your papers. 把该指南作为你写论文的用法指导。 We encourage you to follow the directions carefully and to make full use of this guide as prepare your papers. 我们鼓励你严格遵守指导( 用法说明) 并在写论文时充分利用该指南。 Please ask for help if you have questions about format, content. 若你对格式,风格及内容有什么问题请寻求帮助。 Above all, remember to write with precision, clarity, and economy. 首要的是,写论文时本着准确、清晰和简洁的原则。 Getting Started The first task to plish as you begin the process of writing is to or


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