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三年级英语上册 lesson15教案 (新版)冀教版.doc

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三年级英语上册 lesson15教案 (新版)冀教版.doc



文档介绍:Lesson15 Leftand Right 一、学情分析: (一)学****者分析: 三年级学生活泼好动,善于模仿,乐于参与活动,喜欢积极表现自我。大部分学生初次接触英语,通过前几课的学****对英语已有初步认知。少数学生有一些英语基础。因此教师要设计学生喜欢的活动让每一个学生参与进来,更要充分利用好有基础的学生资源,让他们起到配合,榜样的作用。(二)学****内容分析: 本课主要学****有关脸部的一些词汇: hair, eye, ear, mouth, nose, face 以及表示方位的词 left and right ,其中左右的学****主要放在歌谣中,欢快的韵律能帮助他们记忆新词汇。二、教学目标: (一) 知识与技能目标: 1. 能听懂、会说和认读词汇 hair, eye, ear, mouth, nose, face 2. 能听懂、会说和认读表示方位的词: left, right. (二)情感目标: 乐于模仿,敢于开口。(三)学****策略目标:注意倾听,积极思考。三、教学重点: 听懂、会说和认读词汇 hair, eye, ear, mouth, nose, face, left, right. 四、教学难点: , right 的意思。 2. 单数与复数的区别: It’s a/an _____. They are _____s. 五、教学过程: I. Warm up Greetings: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? T: How do you feel? S:I feel _________. S1: How do you feel? S2: I feel/I ’m _________. T: What ’s it? S: It’sa /an ______. (parts of the body) S1: What ’s it? S2: It’sa /an ______. II. New Concept 1. Introduce the body part words: hair, eye, ear, mouth, nose, face, Point to each part of the body, say the word. Watch the video, follow to read. What is it? It’sa /an ______. ( 此处提醒学生还记得哪些词汇前面用 an 而不是 a 吗? ) 2. Introduce : This is the left/ right eye/ear. Left /right hand/ arm / leg/foot. Practice with left and right: First teacher says, the students point to it. Then teacher points to it, the students say it. T: Look at our eyes/ ears ….How many? (two) 3. Introduce: What are they? They are eyes/ ears/ arms / legs …. ( 此处教师可用汉语向学生解释,通常我们在词尾加 s 来表示一个以上的东西。)