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毕业设计精品]第三代CDMA系统的仿真 外文文献及翻译.doc

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毕业设计精品]第三代CDMA系统的仿真 外文文献及翻译.doc

上传人:智客网 2011/12/30 文件大小:0 KB


毕业设计精品]第三代CDMA系统的仿真 外文文献及翻译.doc


文档介绍:Simulation of Third Generation CDMA Systems
Fakhrul Alam
The goal for the next generation of munications system is to seamlessly integrate a wide variety munication services such as high speed data, video and multimedia traffic as well as voice signals. The technology needed to tackle the challenges to make these services available is popularly known as the Third Generation (3G) Cellular Systems. One of the most promising approaches to 3G is bine a Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) air interface with the work of Global System for munications (GSM). In this thesis a signal simulator was implemented according to the physical layer specification of the IMT-2000 WCDMA system. The data is transmitted in a frame by frame basis through a time varying channel. The transmitted signal is corrupted by multiple access interference which is generated in a structured way rather than treating it as Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). The signal is further corrupted by AWGN at the front end of the receiver. Simple rake bining is employed at the receiver. We investigate the bit error rate at both uplink and downlink for different channel conditions. Performance improvement due to error correction coding scheme is shown. The simulator developed can be an invaluable tool for investigating the design and implementation of WCDMA systems.
Chapter 1
The goal for the next generation of munications system is to seamlessly provide a wide variety munication services to anybody, anywhere, anytime. The intended service for next generation mobile phone users include services like transmitting high speed data, video and multimedia traffic as well as voice signals. The technology needed to tackle the challenges to make these services available is popularly known as the Third Generation (3G) Cellular Systems. The first generation systems are represented by the analog mobile systems designed to carry the voice application traffic. Their subsequent digit


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