加 工 研 究 Storage and Process 2021,21(9):87-92
沈 伟 1,张培兰 2,牛俊乐 1,岑湘涛 1,*
(1. 百色学院农业与食品工程学院,广西 百色 533000;2. 田东县滨江学校高中部,广西 百色 533000)
摘 要:采用热风干燥、远红外干燥和微波干燥处理芒果果皮,探讨不同干燥方法对芒果果皮理化特
性的影响。 结果表明:微波干燥的芒果果皮干基含水率下降程度和干燥速率都优于热风干燥和远红
外干燥,但复水性较差;3 种干燥方法对果皮色泽及总多酚、总黄酮和色素含量的影响各有差异。 通过
Effects of Different Drying Methods on Physicochemical Properties of
Mango Pericarp
SHEN Wei1, ZHANG Pei-lan2, NIU Jun-le1, CEN Xiang-tao1,*
(1. College of Agriculture and Food Engineering, Baise University, Baise 533000, China; 2. High School of
Tiandong Binjiang School, Baise 533000, China)
Abstract: Mango pericarp was treated by hot air drying,far infrared drying and microwave drying, and the effects
of different drying methods on the physico-chemical properties of mango pericarp were studied. The results indi-
cated that microwave-dried mango peel was better than hot-air drying and far infrared drying in dry base moisture
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