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上传人:kunpengchaoyue 2022/1/11 文件大小:181 KB





Dear Xiao Ping,
How are things with you? I watched the film “ 2012 ”n DVD yesterday and found it a
wonderful film. I strongly recommend it to you.
The film is about an ancient prophesy which forecasts the end of the world in the year 2012.
Several ancient civilizations, such as Jewish and Mayan, have foretold the disaster and therefore made the story look rather believable . But the film is less an adaptation of the prophesy than a story of escape from the disaster. The film explores the complicated behaviors of people confronted with death and asks a soul-searching question about human nature: Is there altruism or complete selflessness when people face the final moment of one ' s life? I find the film one of the
best movies produced by Hollywood in rece nt years.
I wish you would not work too hard in your study and would find time to relax and enjoy
films from time to time.
Sincerely yours
Li Mi ng
1. wonderful
2. forecast/foretold
3. believable
A than B 不是 A 而是 B
5. adaptati on
6. explore v 探究
7. soul-search ing
第一段:首先用 How are things with you?寒暄,接着写明写信的目的:看了一部很好的电 影,推荐给对方。
第二段:本段从剧情(1-2句)和电影的深刻意义即对人性的拷问( 3-4句,其中第3句为
第三段:以学业和休闲平衡为理由, 建议对方观看电影,回应主题并且再次与对方进行寒暄。
Dear Xiao Ping,
L' ..tQ.... you一 .a. wonderful, film.… “ 2012 ”w . film. yesterday . and..… found it one of the best movies produced by Hollywood in recent years.
This film is recommendable first because of its interesting plots. It is about an ancient prophesy which forecasts the end of the world in the year 2012. Several ancient civilizations, such as Jewish and Mayan, have foretold the disaster and therefore made the story look rather believable. This film is appealing also because it explores the complicated behaviors of people confron ted with death and asks a soul-searchi ng questi on about huma n n ature: Is there com


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