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文档介绍:???? 1) ??????? 2) ???????????????? 3) ????????? 4) ?????????? 5) ???????????? You must be confident of improving your spelling. = We must have confidence in ourselves.. You spelled/spelt the word wrong. She was late for school because of the heavy rain. There is a teacher ’ s a desk in the front of the classroom. We should be confident in ourselves. Think about it! 1. Do you know Christmas? 2. What do you know about Christmas? Santa Claus Father Christmas Christmas tree Christmas lights Christmas gifts Christmas cards Christmas decorations Talk about the picture: What can you see in these pictures? Christmas decoration Read quickly and try to catch the main idea of the passage. Read quickly and get the main idea of each paragraph: Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraphs 4 Introduce Christmas. How to decorate a Christmas tree? What goes under the tree? How did Christmas trees begin? Read carefully and answer the questions: What is Christmas? When is Christmas? When is New Year ’ s Day? Why do people often say “ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ” on their Christmas cards? Where do people often put up Christmas trees? How do they do with their Christmas trees? How do they decorate them? Who can reach the top of the tree without a chair? decorate at the top of the tree Read carefully and answer the questions: What goes under the tree? When do families open the presents? How did Christmas trees begin? Germany in the 1600s in the sixteen hundreds That ’ s why people say “ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ” on their Christmas cards. ???? 2. In many countries, families put up Christmas trees in the living room. They put up a tent( ??) in the park. put up: to build; to set up “????????” Language notes: put up: raise “??” Please put up your hands if you have any questions. 3. Families decorate their Christmas trees. decorate sth. with sth. “?……???……” We decorated the building with the fl


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