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上传人:baba 2022/1/12 文件大小:32 KB






Hello everyone! My name is Sun Jian. I not only love sports, but also learnvery well, and of course, there are many shortcomings. I was not tall in myclass, but I never was bullied, but the students always gave me the nickname"grandson". I had to hear it and I didnt hear it. Sometimes I really blame dad,more than 100 surname world, why name. But whats the way to do that? This is thedoomed, and cant just complain about Dad.
I have a pair of big black eyes, always blinking. Under the eyes, there wasa very good nose, and a small mouth that spoke leaking. I always like to asksome naive questions, sometimes it is very strange to ask people to answer.
I especially love sports, such as playing badminton, running (must beSprint), playing basketball, playing football... I remember playing badmintonwhen I was a child. My father and I had more than two hours. Mother was afraidof us tired, then persuaded me to say: "do not fight, and then fight will besick." I rushed to his mother grimaced, playfully said; "mother, my father and Iwas a very old man, you can rest assured!" We all laughed at the end of thetalk.

Im very good at learning, too. I feel the happiest and most meaningfulthing in the holidays is to go to the bookstore. As long as the bookstore, Ijust came to the knowledge of the ocean, like hunger and thirst to to read everybook...... Sometimes closed until the bookstore, I was unable to part fromhome.
Let me tell you a little secret. But dont laugh at me. It was an afternoon,and in the first class, I played the game of "police grabbing thieves" with LiuPeng. At first, I was a thief, and he was a