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relationship, establi she d equivalent relati onship 14, and subje ct: a ppli cation problem (4)--score s and percentage a ppli cation problem review conte nt overview a nswer s scores, a nd perce ntage applicati on pr oblem of key is: accordi ng to meani ng, (1) determine sta ndar d vol ume (units "1") (2) find associate "volume rate corresponds to" relationship, T he n in -line sol ution. Category fracti on multi plicati on w ord pr oblem score Division applicati ons engi neeri ng problem problem XV, a subje ct: review of the measur ement of the am ount of capa city, measurement a nd units of measurement of com mon units of measureme nt and their sig nifica nce i n rate 1, currency, le ngth, area, v olume, unit si ze, vol ume, weight a nd rate. (Omitted) 2, commonly use d time unit s and t heir relationships. (Slightly) with a measureme nt units Zhijia n of of poly 1, and of method 2, a nd poly method 3, a nd of method and poly meth od of relationshi p measureme nt dista nce of method 1, and tool mea sureme nt 2, and estimates 16,
and subject: ge ometry preliminary k nowle dge (1)--li ne and a ngle review conte nt line, a nd segment, and Ray, a nd vertical , and parallel, a nd a ngle angl e of classification (slightly) 17, and subje ct: geometry pr eliminary knowle dge (2)--plane gra phi cs review conte nt triangle, a nd e dge