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上传人:慢慢老师 2022/1/13 文件大小:53 KB





文档介绍:I. Sentence mistake correction (20个句子) (20%)(试卷上有20题,取自下列范围)
1. We thought she was charming, intelligent, and a very capable young woman.
Revised: We thought she was a charming, intelligent and very capable young woman.
(or: We thought she was charming, intelligent and capable.)
2. It is generally believed that one’s action is more important than what one says.
Revised: It is generally believed that one’s action is more important than what one’s words.
3. What one knows is more important than the wealth one has.
Revised: One’s knowledge is more important than one’s wealth.
4. Because he said nothing does not mean that he agreed to your proposals.
Revised: That he said nothing does not mean that he agreed to your proposals.
5. Because he had a flat tire is the reason he is late.
Revised: That he had a flat tire is the reason why he is late.
6. The player that had done their very best to win the match were congratulated by the coach.
Revised: The players that had done their very best to win the match were congratulated by the coach.
7. John, together with two assistants, are repairing the machine.
Revised: John, together with two assistants, is repairing the machine.
8. There are a Japanese and two Koreans in his class.
Revised: There is a Japanese and two Koreans in his class.
9. There is five trees and a well behind her house.
Revised: There are f