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上传人:大笑大甜 2022/1/13 文件大小:11 KB





第 1 篇
Dear John Brown,
How’s it going? I ’m Zhang Hua. I ’m a student in middle school. I have been studying English for 4 years. And I can talk to a native speaker in English.
In the school, I always talk to my classmates in English. You know it ’s good for my English speaking. Of course, I try to listen to the teacher carefully. After school, I
often read some English magazines newspapers. Sometimes I learn some English songs. It can improve my English grades.
Except this way ,I hope I can try another way to improve my English. So I want to take part in the summer camp. So I want to ask you some questions. Could you tell me when the summer camp will start where the summer camp hold? Then I want to know how money I should pay for the summer camp? At last ,could you tell me some requirements?
Good luck to you.
Zhang Hua
第 2 篇
Everyone always has a good Sunday. On Sundays, everybody does some things
what he like.
Last Sunday, Jack had a relaxing Sunday. He got up 6 o’clockAfter. breakfast,
Jack played basketball with his friends. They were very happy. Then he played the
guitar in the room. And he sang songs very loudly. Though it ’ s very relaxing for him,
also make very noisy for neighbors. Maybe he should turn down the music. At noon, jack fed his pet cat henry. He is Jack ’favorites. Jack always play with him o