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文档介绍:Life in the Future
Module 4
Everyone will study at home.
Unit 1
see a movie
I am going to see a movie.
What are you going to do?
What will you do?
I will see a movie.
Will you check email?
Yes, I will.
NO, I won’t.
have a piano lesson
He is going to have a piano lesson.
What is he going to do?
What will he do?
He will have a piano lesson.
Will he have a piano lesson?
Yes, he will.
NO, he won’t.
help with the housework
She is going to help with the housework.
What is she going to do?
What will she do?
She will help with the housework.
Will she help with the housework?
Yes, she will.
NO, she won’t.
check email
She is going to check email.
What is she going to do?
What will she do?
She will check email.
Will she check email?
Yes, she will.
NO, she won’t.
go over lessons
They are going to go over lessons.
What are they going to do?
What will they do?
They will go over lessons.
Will they go over lessons.
Yes, they will.
NO, they won’t.
have a picnic
They are going to have a picnic.
What are they going to do?
What will they do?
They will have a picnic.
Will they have a picnic?
Yes, they will.
NO, they won’t.
What will the school be like in the future?
school in the future
What is the school like now?
Listen to the tape and answer the questions.
schools be different in the future?
Yes, they will.
students use pens or paper in the
No, they won’t.
students have a lot of free time in the future?
Yes, they will.