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文档介绍:巢湖双桥河湿地植被生态学研究摘要湿地是地球三大生态系统之一,其在调节气候、涵养水源、净化环境等方面具有巨大的环境功能和环境效益。在全球范围内,湿地面临着严重的退化和减少的威胁。因此,湿地生态修复已经成为多领域的研究热点之一。本文以巢湖双桥河湿地为研究对象,采用数量生态学、恢复生态学等方法,对其植被组成、种间关系、植物与土壤环境的关系等进行了研究。获得以下结论: ,季相变化明显。双桥河水位变化是其重要原因及动力。DcA排序迸一步说明植物的分布格局与土壤质地和土壤含水量关系密切。 。低水位期时,湿地植物多样性比高水位期要高。水质及人类活动的干扰也对湿地植物物种多样性的变化产生重要影响。 ,湿地植物群落的总体关联性均为负关联, 这可能是植物对双桥河湿地水位变化频繁及人为干扰的生态学响应。 。本文确定的最小面积将对未来双桥河湿地生态调查具有参考意义。 ,具有进行湿地生态治理的良好基础。湿地植被的丰富度不仅由水份分布及有机质含量决定, 也与pH值有显著相关性。关键词:湿地植被,分类,排序,物种多样性,种一面积关系 An ecological study ofwetland plants ofthe Shuangqiao stream near the Lake Chaohu Abstract Wetland system is one ofthe three largest ecosystems inthe great attention has been paid on the wetland studies in recent years by investigators from different stream is one ofthemain channels ofpollutants into the lake wetland ofShuangqiao stream lies near suburb of ChaoHu wetland can remove the pollutants by adsorption,sedimentation,assimilation,and microbe position ofthe soil01" isimportant tostudy on thewetland plants’eco-characteristics and the soil physieochemical properties. Quantitativeecology isused to research the changes ofthequantitative characteristics ofthe wetland plants indefferent seasons in specimens were analyzed too. The study focus on the floristic diversity,the interspecific association of munities,the association between munities and results are summarized as follows: position and distribution inthe wetland The results of DCA ordination and TWINSPAN analysis indicate that there are obvious relationships between the distribution pattern ofplant associations and soil water content,soil position and distribution isdifferent in different seasons. The water level ofthe stream isthe major factor. species diversity variation inthe wetland T


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