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江西吉安的介绍 英文版.doc

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江西吉安的介绍 英文版.doc

上传人:慢慢老师 2022/1/16 文件大小:20 KB


江西吉安的介绍 英文版.doc


文档介绍:A travel brochure for my hometown—Ji'an city
 Hello everybody! This is a travel brochure for my hometown and in thise Wen Tianxiang Museum ,I am sure you will learn a lot about him and the story of can also visit a park near the center of the city called —Luling Cultural Theme Park ,which is full of cultural ethos. Walking in the park would be a impressive experience I bet!. You will know a lot of things about our culture!
Part 2: Place of interests.
Jinggangshan(井冈山) comes first. It is also called the cradle of the People's Republic! Great Leader Mao Zedong led the Red Army fought against Kuomintang(KMT) in early 30s in the 20th century. The army developed there and after a long way against Japanese's invade and KMT army finally built the People's Republic of China. Jnggangshan is definitely a fantastic place to enjoy a vacation. The scenery was pretty good and pleasant. We can visit the house that the army lived, eat the food they once ate for survive and learn a lot about the history of the reborn of the PRC. Besides,we can drift down from the top of one of the mountain to the bottom of it. Last year after the College Entrance Exams , I ,together with some of my friends went there,it's absolutely the most impressive journey I have ever had.
Once you come to my hometown,it would be a pity if you don't go there.
The second place I would recommend you to go is J