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  These days I read a f natural understanding and without hesitation accepted. Pleasure and pain are not the same, that is to pay, rather than harvest; it was insisted that, rather than give up; it was courageous, not timid; it was winter where the sun, rather than autumn leaves.
  At the same time, adults is more likely to neglect or even ignore the happiness than children. Childhood is gone in Our
Time. In the kind of happy childhood's natural ability to understand and fully accept the more valuable. Craven classic text in the beloved wife passed away, buried in the garden of the key, who wanted to block the thoughts of his beloved wife, but it brought him become a sad and painful put in prison. Happy does not cut off in exchange for quiet, it only make you depressed bear, in the loneliness and pain of death, into eternal darkness. On the contrary, as always, to maintain hope - happiness requires courage.
  Happiness is life's resource, without happy, man will like walking corpses in general. There is no happiness, there will be no joy of success; no tears of defeat; no lost treasure after; not all emotions. Garden was born in Happy, in the tragedy, dust-laden, again in a happy, open, this is what a dramatic change, the key is happy. As Burnett said: there a


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