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  1. Delicious dishes.
  2. Reasonable price.
  3. Easy to go there from home.
  4. Quiet and nice environment.
  5. Attractive decoration and view.
  6. Playground for kids.
  7. Open space.
  8. Privacy.
  9. Service and behaviour of the staffs.
  10. Special treats for the regular customer.
  11. Variety of foods.
  12. Past memory related to the restaurant.
  13. Recommendation from friends and family members.
  14. Discounts, etc.
  In your answer you can use the above mentioned points.
  If you are prepared for this cue card sample you should be able to answer the following cue cards as well:

  1. Talk about a place you often go to. (You can say that you often go to this restaurant)
  2. Describe a place you would recommend your friends to visit.
  3. Describe a party centre you went recently.
  4. Describe a restaurant you recently visited.
  5. Talk about a place where you often meet your friends.
  6. Describe a restaurant that you enjoyed going to.
  Thank you very much for giving me the chance to talk about my favourite restaurant. The name of my favourite restaurant is (say the name of the restaurant you are going to talk about) and it’s situated at the centre of the city I am currently living in. Not only I like the spacious, serene environment, tasty menus that the restaurant serves, but I have lots of memories related to this restaurant. I remember that my parents celebrated some


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