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reducing risks in the investigation, design and construction of large concrete dams外文参考.pdf

上传人:学习的一点 2022/1/18 文件大小:2.62 MB


reducing risks in the investigation, design and construction of large concrete dams外文参考.pdf



文档介绍:: .
fornia, ., in 1928, have led to signi cant developments in
Dam engineering rock mechanics and rock engineering knowledge and techniques, as well as in dam design and review
Risk assessment processes. More recent advances include a range of analytical, numerical modelling, probabilistic, reli-
Rock engineering design ability, failure mode and risk assessment approaches.
Site investigation Ó 2017 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by
Elsevier . This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (/
1. Introduction wider range of engineering and scientific knowledge and skills than
those usually represented in the disciplines of rock mechanics and
This paper seeks to provide an overview of the GeoSafe 2016 rock engineering alone. Attention here will be focused, in the main,
Symposium topics, Reducing Risks in Site Investigation, Modelling on rock mechanics and rock engineering considerations. A broad
and Construction in Rock Engineering, using the example of the international perspective will be taken having recourse to the
investigation, design, construction and operation of large concrete extensive literature on the subject. However, it must be recognised
dams. While the rock engineering aspects of large concrete dams that the writer’s personal experience