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文档介绍:I would like to acknowledge the enormous help given to me in creating this book. For their
memories, their patience, an impatiently to long speeches. When the ceremony is over, we throw our caps
in the air, and we are officially graduated from college, the senior class of Brandeis University in the city of Waltham, Massachusetts. For many of us, the curtain has just come
down on childhood.
Afterward, I find Morrie Schwartz, my favorite professor, and introduce him to my parents.
He is a small man who takes small steps, as if a strong wind could, at any time, whisk him up
into the clouds. In his graduation day robe, he looks like a cross between a biblical prophet
and a Christmas elf He has sparkling blue green eyes, thinning silver hair that spills onto his
forehead, big ears, a triangular nose, and tufts of graying eyebrows. Although his teeth are
crooked and his lower ones are slanted back-as if someone had once punched them in-when he smiles it's as if you'd just told him the first joke on earth.
He tells my parents how I took every class he taught. He tells them, "You have a special boy
here. " Embarrassed, I look at my feet. Before we leave, I hand my professor a present, a tan
briefcase with his initials on the front. I bought this the day before at a shopping mall. I didn't
want to forget him. Maybe I didn't want him to forget me.
"Mitch, you are one of the good ones," he says, admiring the briefcase. Then he hugs me. I
feel his thin arms around my back. I am taller than he is, and when he holds me, I feel
awkward, older, as if I were the parent and he were the child. He asks if I will stay in touch,
and without hesitation I say, "Of course."
When he steps back, I see that he is crying.
His death sentence came in the summer of 1994. Looking back, Morrie knew something bad
was coming long before that. He knew it the day he gave up dancing.
He had always been a dancer, my old professor. The music didn't matter. Rock and


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