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上传人:haha 2022/1/19 文件大小:31 KB






y, my father deliberately take our family to the immortal lake botanical garden to play.

  Today is a good day, sunny, high days to pale, autumn style. Along the way, everywhere you can see the flags flying, "celebrate the National Day" four characters everywhere, filled with a happy atmosphere after the holiday. The following are the same as the "
  Xianhu Botanical Garden, one of the eight attractions in Shenzhen. We take the bus from Fukuda starting, after an hour away to the Luohu District Liantang Xianhu. We get off the bus, went to line up to buy tickets, adults 20 yuan, 10 yuan or half tickets for children or students. The following are the same as the "
  We bought a ticket, with many visitors together into the gate, get on the bus sightseeing car set off, sightseeing car walking in the winding mountain road, see a piece of green shade of trees, walk more than 10 minutes To the first attraction - Hongfa Temple. We came to the third floor with the visitors burning incense to worship Buddha, still desire to throw coins in front of the tower, returned to me to buy a piece of my favorite agate jade wear. The following are the same as the "

  Then we went to the tourist car, and went through the lake area, the bonsai garden, the desert area, the peach garden, the fossil forest, the paleontological museum, the return forest, the statue garden, the gymnosperms area, the medicinal plant area, Lanzheng Pavilion, two Yiting, Long Zunta, Tianchi, heaven and earth, shade plant area, cycad garden ... ...


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