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   sb to do sth使某人能做某事
   computer enbles people to communicte with ech other more cn common with sb 和某人有共同点
   twins hve lot of things in common with ech other./孪生姐妹间有很多相似点。
   sb on sth/doing sth 祝贺某人某事
   regrded/thought of/considered s 被认为,被当成
   content/stisfied/plesed with 对……感到满意
   sb to do sth/encourge sb in sth 鼓励某人做某事
   lwys encourges me to work hrd./他总是鼓励我要努力工作。
   lwys encourges me in my study./他总是在我的英语上给我鼓励。
   covered with 被……覆盖
   with/do with/hndle 处理,解决
   determined to do sth/mke up one's mind to do 下定决心做某事
   some degree/to some extent/in wy 从某种程度上来说
   off… until/dely 推迟
   sport meeting hs been put off until next Fridy./运动会已经被推迟到下周五。
   delight in sth/doing sth 取悦于做某事
   should not tke delight in mking fun of others./人不能以取笑他人为乐。
   on/rely on/feed on/live on 依靠/依靠/用……喂养/以……为生
   the distnce/t distnce 在远处/隔一段距离
   sb in sth/sb be dressed in sth 打扮某人
   due to do sth 按期,按理该做某事,由于
   trin is due to rrive t 5 o'clock./火车应在五点到达。
   filure is totlly due to his crelessness./失败都是由他的粗心造成的。
   eger to do sth/be eger for sth 迫不及待做某事/对……很热衷
   n effect on sth 对……有影响
   hs bd effect on people's helth./吸烟有害健康。
   efforts to do sth 千方百计做某事
   sb with sth/rm sb with sth 用……来武装某人
   young people must rm themselves with knowledge./年轻人必须用知识武装自己的头脑。
   sb to do sth/count on sb to do sth/wnt sb to do sth 期待某人做某事/指望某人做某事/想让某人做某事
   fce/be fced with sth 做鬼脸/面对……
   ws fced with mny difficulties when doing the experiment./她在做实验时遇到很多困难。
   fith in sth/be fithful to sth 对……忠诚
   sleep/fll ill/fll silent 入睡/生病/恢复寂静
   be fmilir with sth/sth be fmilir to sb 某人熟悉某物
   fult with sb/sb be t fult 挑某人的毛病/是某人的错


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