题 目:分体式传感器实验台设计
院 (部):信息与电气工程学院
专 业:电气工程及其自动化
班 级:电本064
姓 名:***
学 号:2006081###
完成or in formerly in the related sensor aspect research subject foundation (specially was bui
lding class specialty) examines in the laboratory in the College of engineering the application.
First, this article proposed the fission type sensor laboratory bench's concept, and halves the writing style sensor laboratory bench the characteristic, the key technologies, the historical development, the research direction and the application prospect did said that simultaneously the sensor laboratory bench's situation has also made the analysis to the current market condition, proposed that manufacture laboratory bench necessity which tested in view of the College of engineering.
Next, the half writing style sensor laboratory bench has made the thorough analysis, mainly carries on from the following two aspects studies one is in the fission type sensor laboratory bench sensor principle; second, distributed body sensor laboratory bench major component's choice.
This sensor laboratory bench may widely apply in the College of engineering tests in the teaching, has the widespread application background and market development space.
Key Words:Sensor;Switching circuit;Voltage-stabilized source;Display system;experimental research
Key Words:sensor;switching circuit;voltage-stabilized source;display system
1前 言
在基础学科研究中,传感器具有突出的地位。现代科学技术的发展,进入了许多新领域:例如在宏观上要观察上千光年的茫茫宇宙,微观上要观察小到nm的粒子世界,纵向上要观察长达数十万年的天体演化,短到s的瞬间反应。此外,还出现了对深化物质认识、开拓新能源 、新材料等具有重要作用的各种极端技术研究,如超高温、超低温、超高压、超高真空、超强磁场、超弱磁场等等。显然,要获取大量人类感官无法直接获取的信息,没有相适应的传感器是不可能的 何希才,薛永毅:《传感器及其应用实例》,机械工业出版社,第8页。