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Current leakage prevention in resistance welding of …:防止漏电电阻焊….pdf

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Current leakage prevention in resistance welding of …:防止漏电电阻焊….pdf

上传人:rovend 2022/1/19 文件大小:707 KB


Current leakage prevention in resistance welding of …:防止漏电电阻焊….pdf



文档介绍:Available online at
pecial specimen geometry, called a skin/stringer configuration, was welded with this newly developed heating
element to represent typical reinforced aerospace structures. The adherends were made of APC-2/AS4 (carbon fibre/PEEK) composites.
Unidirectional specimens, which represent the most critical case, were first welded using the new heating element. The insulated heating
element successfully prevented current leakage and showed great improvement in temperature homogeneity over the weld area. The
impact of the new heating element on the mechanical performance of the welds was then assessed by welding quasi-isotropic specimens.
The mechanical performances of quasi-isotropic specimens welded using the new insulated heating elements and conventional (non-insu-
lated) ones were compared under short beam and three-point bending tests. No mechanical performance drawback was observed with
the new heating element; however, the failure mode of the welded quasi-isotropic specimens was changed from a delamination in the skin
laminate failure to a weld interface debonding failure.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Resistance welding; A. Polymer–matrix composites (PMCs); A. Coating; E. Welding/joining; Current leakage
1. Introduction