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上传人:静赏芳雅 2022/1/20 文件大小:521 KB





文档介绍:目 录
摘 要 1
第一章 咖啡粉枕式包装机总体设计 3
电动机的选择 4
计算传动装置运动和动力参数 5
传动装置的总传动比及分配各级传动比的计算 6
第二章 传动装g of goods in the circulation of commodities, the ever-increasing demands, require not only the packaging beautiful, easy to transport, storage, easy to use, and product shelf life, and requires accurate measurement of the packaging bag of goods, the error is small. "Measurement" is an important part of the packaging process, the accurate measurement of packaging is an important topic to always pay attention to the packaging industry.
The design pillow packing machine for coffee powder, the main application CAXA mapping software for parametric design of the coffee powder packaging machine, the specific task of the overall design, the metering device and the horizontal seal cut-off device design. Need to be resolved to complete the sealing of the bags: bags of shapes, sizes, bags of coffee powder size, edge banding pattern of the loading position and form of metering device selection; shaper, pulling the stick, vertical seal sticks and other components has to determine the location; cross-head and the design of the feeding device.
Design significance and value of the subject: the design of equipment should be able to meet the packaging requirements of the coffee powder to ensure that packaging films are easy to adjust, simple structure, stable operation, reliable, easy to repair.
Key Words:Packaging Machinery; Coffee powder packaging machine; CAXA
第一章 咖啡粉枕式包装机总体设计
咖啡粉枕式包装机的包装原理: 咖啡粉枕式包装机整体是由几个机构组成,主要有:料盘装置,横封装置,竖封装置,走袋装置,料卷装置,电机等通过一定的传动关系组成