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文档介绍:摘要 I 摘 要 农产品的价格合理与否、稳定与否,不仅会对消费者的生活水平、农民生产者的收入水平产生影响,而且会影响到农业生产的发展和农产品市场的秩序,乃至整个国家的经济社会生活的稳定与发展。因此,建立健全农产品价格稳定机制,确保农产品的价格稳定具有极其重要的理论和实践意义。近几年,受不利的气候条件、种植面积缩减、游资炒作等多重因素综合作用,我国农产品价格的异常波动明显,并呈现出涉及种类多、波及区域广、涨跌幅度大、波动周期短等诸多特征,而且这种价格波动已经对于广大城市消费者、农村生产者、农产品市场和农业生产秩序产生重大影响。深入剖析其中的法律根源,立法的不完善、制度的不健全,执法不及时、不严格,司法救济途径的空白等因素应予以高度重视。服务于完备农产品价格机制和稳定农产品价格的基本目标,我国不仅应当加强农产品储备制度、农产品监测制度、农产品临时价格干预制度等方面的制度建设,还应该通过设立专门的农产品价格监管机构,实行农产品价格行政执法责任制并赋予其采取强制措施的权利,实施多方位的监管格局来完善我国农产品价格执法监督体系,严格执法,不断加大对违法农产品价格的行为惩处力度,逐步完善农产品价格的法治建设。 关键词 农产品 价格 稳定机制 波动异常 法律制度 Abstract II Abstract Abnormal fluctuations in prices of agricultural products go ag ainst the objective laws of market economy, which causes the price movement s of other related products for agricultural markets have a strong conductivity. This has si gnificant impact on producers and consumers, thus causing the instability of agricultural markets and chaos in agricultural production, and having also brought a certain nati onal inflation pressure. Causes of instability in agricultural prices plex, basically due to changes in supply and de mand caused by factors such as acreage reduction and adverse weather cond itions. Meanwhile speculation capital into agricultural areas increase s the instability in pric es of agricultural pr oducts, which has aroused people's awareness. Abnormal fluctuations in prices of agricultura l products reflect the mechanism of instability in agricu ltural prices and plete le gal system. As a result, in the enforcement process , the necessary legal basis and institu tional guarantee are lacked. How to better maintain the stability of prices of agri cultural products has e imperative. China should improve the reserve system of agricult ural products, ag ricultural monitoring systems, agricultural products and other aspects of the temporary pri ce intervention system to maintain the stability of China's agricultural market development, improve the behavior of market prices of agricultural prod