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河北省邯郸市丛台区永安学校中考英语 备考阅读话题练习 学校生活.doc

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河北省邯郸市丛台区永安学校中考英语 备考阅读话题练习 学校生活.doc

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河北省邯郸市丛台区永安学校中考英语 备考阅读话题练习 学校生活.doc



文档介绍:1 学校生活一、阅读理解(共 15 小题;共 30 分) A Characters: Evan, Mrs. Bordoni, Mr. Contei, Rita, Marco, Tom Setting: An elementary school Mrs. Bordoni: (Stands at the school gate) Good morning! You need to go straight to your classrooms, children. (A shy boy walks up, looking nervous.) What is your name? Evan: (Looking at the ground) My name is Evan. Mrs. Bordoni: e to Northside. I'm the principal( 校长). Mrs. Bordoni. Evan: (Looks surprised) Oh! Good morning. Mrs. Bordoni: I know you are new to our school, but you will like it here. I will take you to your classroom. Evan: I didn't want to move and leave my friends. Mrs. Bordoni: You will have friends here. You'll see. Mrs. Bordoni: Here's your room, 106. Mr. Cortez: e to our class! I'm Mr. Cortez. Evan: (The class looks at him. He speaks softly.) Hello. Mr. Cortez: We are talking about a story we just read. Who can tell Evan what it was about? Rita: This family moves toa new state. Their story is both funny and sad. Evan: (Cheering up) Did they like the new place? Marco: Not at first. But they made lots of new friends. Mr. Cortez: What happened to make them change their minds? Tom: The girl from next door said he needed help. When they got to her house, a sign said, "e". Marco: It was a surprise party for them. The whole family was laughing. Mr. Cortez: The neighbors made the family feel e. Mrs. Bordoni: (Stands in the doorway) Evan, it's time