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文档介绍:中南民族大学硕士学位论文 2 权的实现四是转变观念此外本文在强调教育平等的同时还注意到正确处理公平与效率的关系主张在教育领域应该实行公平优先兼顾效率关键词法治教育平等平等受教育权中南民族大学硕士学位论文 3 THE CITIZEN’S EQUAL RIGHT TO EDUCATION IN THE RULE OF LAW’S VISUAL FIELD ABSTRACT The equal problem of education causes the extensive concern. Scholars go on a beneficialstudy in sociology and pedagogy etc. They believe that developing economics or involving in people-oriented will benefit to promote educational equity. In my opinion, we should resolve this problem by rule of this text, author discusses the relationship between rule of law and educational equality, and answers why take into account educational equality. The rule of law contains human right, equality and humanities concern etc. From the relationship between rule of law and educational equality, educational equality is the content of human right, and it is the request of equality and embodies humanities concern. Therefore, construction the county according to law and developments socialism rule of law nation request educational equality and realize the equal right to education. Author analyzes the actuality of equal right to education and the exiting problems. At present, the equal right to education doesn’t make people satisfy in china. The exiting problems practice in elite higher education, city mindset and the backlog of culture capital. But they are conflict with human rights, humanities concern and equality. In regard to “elite higher education”, it intensifies the unbalance of internal resources in the range of basic education, and leads to the gap between schools in the region ing larger. In regard 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 4 to city mindset, hope project and relieving the burden, (They are all implicit city mindset) they reflect the inequality of education between cities and villages. In regard to the backlog of the culture capital, it leads to the inequality of the result of education. This text brings up some counterplots aiming at the equal problem of education. Firstly, We should c