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文档介绍:1基于 GPU 的并行高性能 AC算法摘要: 随着网络的发展, 网络流量的增长速度与网络安全系统的过滤能力之间的矛盾日益突出。作为网络安全系统的核心模块――模式匹配模块的处理能力受到严峻的挑战。传统串行模式匹配算法已经很难满足当前网络的需求。本文改进了传统的 AC 算法,利用高性能专用并行处理芯片―― GPU 来提高 AC 算法的处理速度, 提出了一种 G-AC 算法。实验表明, 在不同数据集上,其性能分别是传统 AC 算法的 10 倍以上。关键词: AC 算法; GPU ;模式匹配; G-AC 算法中图分类号: 文献标识号:A 文章编号: 2095-2163 ( 2015- ) 02- GPU-based Parallel High Performance AC Algorithm XU Dongliang , ZHANG Hongli , YAO Chongchong ( School puter Science and Technology , Harbin Institute of Technology , Harbin 150001 , China ) Abstract : With the development of work , the contradiction between the growth rate work traffic and the filtering capability of work security system have e increasingly prominent. As the core modules work security systems , pattern matching module processing capacity faces serious challenge. The traditional serial algorithm for pattern matching has been difficult to meet the current needs of work. This paper improves the traditional AC algorithm , using high performance special parallel processing chip GPU to improve the processing speed of AC algorithm , and proposes a new G-AC algorithm. Experiments show that its performance is 10 times more than the performance of traditional AC algorithm on different data sets. Keywords : AC Algorithm ; GPU ; Pattern Matching ; G-AC Algorithm 0引言模式匹配[1] ,即字符串匹配,其应用十分广泛,如网络入侵检测, 信息检索, 生物信息等。模式匹配方法的研究历史已近半个世纪之久。 197 5 年由 Ahot Corasick 提出的 Aho-Corasick (