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文档介绍:8B Unit 6 期末复****检测
Name ____________ No。________
1. You should pay _______________ to u are interested in ____________, you can join the charity walk。
rain miss teach not listen raise train
1。 Hurry up, or you ___________ the plane to the USA.
2。 The zookeeper looks very tied now because he ____________ the tiger for half a day.
3。 The aim of the walk is ________ money for the poor。
4. The students ______________ to the radio at seven yesterday evening.
5.  Mr Smith ________________ us French last term.   
6。 Don’t go out now. It ________________heavily! 
  phone pass clean be finish read
1。 Our team _____________ one of the strongest in Nantong since 2002.
2。 Last year his father often ______________ newspapers after breakfast.。
3。 I came in while he _____________ his parents.
4. If you _____________ the project in 2 months, you will receive a certificate.
5。 If she spends more time on English, I’m sure she ______________ the exams.
6. Look! The room is so clean。 Who ____________ it?
四、单项选择 15’
( ) 1. Kitty found _________ interesting _____________ the difference between the twins。
A. it’s, to learn B。 it, learning C。 it, to learn D。 /, learning
( ) 2。My home is 4 kilometres _____________ my school.
A. on the south of


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