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文档介绍:7A Unit 1 This is me! (Reading) 案例分析
本课时的内容是7AUnit 1 This is me! 的阅读课,通过阳光中学的六个同学的自我介绍,让学生理解到初中英语课本中的主人公,并在此根底上t time
1. Greetings (The teacher starts with simple greetings to the students) (精品文档请下载)
(教学设计说明:通过老师亲切的问候,拉近师生的间隔 )
2. Let students use everyday expressions to communicate when meeting (精品文档请下载)
people 。
Step 2 Lead in
1. Choose some typical students in the class and ask them to the front(精品文档请下载)
2。 Ask the other students some questions
Who’s tall in our class?
Who's tall and slim in our class?
Is —-——-- tall or short?
Who wears glasses in our class?
Who likes football in our class?
Who likes music in our class?
Do you like listening to music?
Step 3 Presentation
six masks of the new friends and ask students who they are and help students memorize (教学设计说明:通过图片呈现人物,形象生动)(精品文档请下载)
2。 Write the names on the blackboard
3。 T: Do you know what they like? If you want to know, please read their profiles on page 8. (精品文档请下载)
4. Ask students to answer questions
“What do they like?”
Use the sentences “---—— likes doing ———-—-——."
5。 Listen and let students say true or false according to the following.(精品文档请下载)
(True or false questions on the slide)
(1)。 Millie is 11 years old.
(2)。 Simon was born in Shanghai.
(3). Sally doesn't like listening to music。
(4)。 Kitty loves dancing.
(5). Am