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2012年中国足球超级联赛俱乐部运动员工作合同 (中英文).doc

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2012年中国足球超级联赛俱乐部运动员工作合同 (中英文).doc

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2012年中国足球超级联赛俱乐部运动员工作合同 (中英文).doc



文档介绍:2012 年中国足球超级联赛俱乐部运动员工作合同( 中英文) 2012 ’sATHLETE EMPLOYE CONTRACT OFCHINESE SUPER LEAGUE 甲方:足球俱乐部 Party A:er club 乙方: 运动员 athlete (国籍 nationality 出生 birth date ofday month year 年月日) 甲、乙双方本着自愿、平等的原则,经过协商一致,签订本合同,以使共同遵守。 Parties hereto ,abiding byprinciples ofequality, voluntariness and reaching unanimity through consultation, conclude and inter into this contract for observance . 第一条合同期限 Clause ITERM LINMIT OFCONTRACT 合同期限为壹个赛季,从 2012 年1月1日至 2012 年12月31日止。 Term limit ofcontract isone season which from the date of1January, 2012 till 31December, 2012. (注:合同期限最短为 1个赛季,最长为 5个赛季) Notice: the minimum term limit isone season and maximum term limit is five seasons. 第二条工作安排 CLAUSE IICONTENT OFWORK 1、甲方安排乙方在俱乐部一队从事训练、比赛和其他活动。 Amake and enable Party Bengage intraining, game and other activity. 2、甲方有权根据俱乐部的需要及乙方能力、表现和状态,在俱乐部一队及预备队之间调整工作岗位。 Party Ahave authority and right to, baseing onnecessary ofclub and Party B’sability, achievement and other condion, adjust his work post between first team and reserve team. 第三条生活、工作条件和健康保护 CLAUSE III CONDITION OFLIVING, WORKING AND PROTECTION FOR HEALTH 1、甲方为乙方提供清洁、卫生、舒适、便利的住宿安排和营养丰富的饮食安排,其中电话及其他通讯设施的使用费由乙方自理。 Party Ashall provide Party Bwith aclean, sanitary and convenient quarter, and nutritious diet. The fees oftelephone and munication is expense ofParty B. 2、如乙方为外籍运动员,甲方应在上述安排基础上予以适当照顾。(如乙方提出更高的要求,经甲方同意,可在“补充协议”中另作安排,并明确承担费用的责任。) Where Party Bwith foreign nationality, towhom Party Ashould give appropriate preferential treatment besides preparations hereabove. In case Party Brequire more superior modation which ,by agree ofParty A,could bearranged otherwise inSupplement Agreement,in which clearly stipulate responsibility oftaking related fees. 3、甲方为乙方提供符合中国足球协会执教资格规定的教练员。 Party Ashall provide Party Bwith coach petency ofcoach conforming tothe requirement ofChina Football Association. 4、甲方为乙方提供符合中国足球协会规定标准的草坪训练场和其他训练设施。 Party Ashall provide Party Bwith lawn training field conforming tothe standard ofChina Football Association and other