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I also shouldered heavy pressure because we must be the best in such a class under the attention of all the teachers and students in the school. Therefore, I tried to do everything perfectly without missing any small problem. At the end of last year, I happened to find the suggestion collection paper for the “Asset Decrease Accounting Standard” on the website, which was quite different from what I learnt in books. Cherishing the aroused interest, I spent over one month in learning this standard carefully by reading large amount of files and discussing with my teacher for the cognition of the developing process, problems and influence to the registered companies of the Asset Decrease Calculation. Finally, I published my article on the core magazine of “Finance and Accounting”. Besides, I am a girl who liked challenges. On completing my study in the three years, I accepted many challenges without any hesitation. I could get much pleasure when racing with time because I believe that the valuable use of every minute means the success. Therefore, I was very excited to be able to enter the graduate school one year earlier than other students in class taking advantage of my insistent efforts to learn twice as much knowledge as them. Meanwhile, I am very proud that I got the first scholarship in my sophomore year for my excellent score.
In spite of the limited spare time with 5-6 hours on my daily courses, I actively found many opportunities to do the extracurricular work. For example, I asked my teacher for assisting him with his subject and helping him to summarize the files because I am always trying to form my own points by summarizing the knowledge I learnt. I think that study is an active action, which required me to find some opportunities to improve myself independently. Taking advantage of my excellent behavior, I was finally admitted by th