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上传人:淘气小宇 2022/1/24 文件大小:9 KB





文档介绍:英文邀请函回复格式范文 商务邀请函范文 英

英文回复的邀请函回执怎么写 ?下面是 WTT为大家整理的英文邀请函回复格式
英文邀请函回复格式范文篇一 An invitatio
英文邀请函回复格式范文 商务邀请函范文 英

英文回复的邀请函回执怎么写 ?下面是 WTT为大家整理的英文邀请函回复格式
英文邀请函回复格式范文篇一 An invitation for a house and weekend
Dear :
I hope havent any plan for the weekend of as wed like you to spend it with us at .Its simply beautiful here now, with everything in bloom!
I think we can promise some good fishing this fish are biting better than ever! So bring your fishing clothes; and be s
ure to bring your tennis things, too, because are ing and Im sure youll want to get out on the courts with a very good train ; Ive marked it in red on the gets you here about whh is just in time for can get a late train back , or theres an early epress that usually takes on .We hope nothing will prevent you from ing, as were looking forward to your visit and I know are looking forward to seeing you again, sure to let us know what train you are taking so that can meet you at the yours,
英文邀请函回复格式范文篇二 Inviting friends to supper with the strangers
Dear :
I know you are interested in , so Im sure youll be interested in !
They are ing here

to supper , and wed like you and to e, that very charming co


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