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三年级英语上册 lesson16 Warm,Cool教案 (新版)冀教版.doc

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三年级英语上册 lesson16 Warm,Cool教案 (新版)冀教版.doc

上传人:mh900965 2016/8/24 文件大小:61 KB


三年级英语上册 lesson16 Warm,Cool教案 (新版)冀教版.doc


文档介绍:1 Lesson 16 :Warm,Cool 一、教学目标●语言知识趋于掌握词汇: warm,cool 以及身体各部位名称的词汇。●语言技能能在日常生活中熟练运用表示感觉的词汇和身体部位名称的词汇。●情感态度(1 )通过亲身感知体验、巩固新知,培养学生学****英语的兴趣及自信心。(2 )大胆实践,勇于开口说英语,积极参与交流。二、教学重点(1 )能听、说、认读 warm,cool 以及身体各部位名称的单词。(2 )让学生懂得 warm 与 hot , cool 与 cold 的区别。教学难点(1 )如何引导学生完成一系列任务。(2 )个别新单词的发音。如: shoulder , stomach , elbow 。三、教具、学具一块冰、一杯温开水、酒精灯、扇子、口腔侧面图、单词卡片、复读机四、教学过程 Step I Class Opening Sing a song “ Do the Hokey Pokey ”. Step II New Concepts 1 Warm or cool ? (1)Let the students touch a piece of ice and ask “ How do you feel? ” S1:I feel cold. S2:I’m cold. (学生表现出寒冷哆嗦的样子) (2)Let the students get close to the flame and ask “ How do you feel ?” S1:I feel hot. S2:I’m hot. S3: Ouch, hot! (学生们边说边表现出被火烤烫的样子。) (3)Let the students touch a glass of warm water and ask “ How do you feel?Do you feel warm? ” Ss: Yes,I feel warm. 2 (4) Let the students pass the glass of warm one who gets it should tell his/her feelings. S1:I feel warm. S2:I’m warm. (5)Fan the students and ask “ How do you feel?Do you feel cool? ” S1:I feel cool. S2:I’m cold. (6) Let one student fan another one and ask “ How do you feel?/Do you feel cool?/Are you cool? ”引导前面的同学用扇子给后面的同学扇风。边扇动扇子边问: a: How do you feel? b: Do you feel cool? c: Are you cool? (7)Write the new words on the blackboard and practice. ① read by themselves ② read in pairs (找几组同学到前面来演示。一个说单词 warm, 一个表现出冬天穿上棉衣时温暖的感觉;一个说单词 cool, 一个表现出炎热的夏季吃冰淇淋的样子。学生配合得很默契。) ③ rea