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文档介绍:To understand LoL To understand LoL background in the background in the world In the land of the runes of magic is everything. On the continent people since time immemorial custom groups and a pipe, use war to solve disputes. 这片大陆上的人民自远古以来就****惯结群而斗,用战争解决纷争。 But whenever, war tool always are magic 而不论何时,战争的工具始终都是魔法。在符文之地,魔法就是一切。 They have almost infinite primitive magic power, never considered the endless abuse of what magic will bring the continent's environmental disaster. 他们拥有近乎无限的原始魔法力量,从未考虑过无止境的滥用魔法会给这片大陆的环境带来怎样的灾难。? College is located in the war hero alliance get lorraine political entities authorized in ession, anization will manage, dispose of all the political strife caused by the results. ? Hero alliance decision, all major political disputes must be set up through specialized in tile lorraine to handle around the arena. ?位于战争学院的英雄联盟得到瓦洛兰政治实体们陆续授权,这个组织将管理、处置所有政治纷争所带来的结果。?英雄联盟决定,所有重大的政治纷争须通过专门设立在瓦洛兰各地的竞技场来处理。正义之地——召唤师峡谷试炼之地——水晶之衡 question ? In this league, What ’ s the only one rule ? the winner is everything! ? What ’ s the final goal in this game ? the final goal is to push to the enemy base . Choose the hero Fight for you Fight for you


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