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上传人:mh900965 2016/8/25 文件大小:57 KB





文档介绍:摘要国际体系与中国和平发展的宏观国际环境密切相关。国家利益是中国融入国际体系的主要动力,只有融入国际体系才能更好地发展自己。国际体系几个主要特征表现为:和平发展是大趋势。各国利益交织竞争主要采取和平方式。主要大国间出现和存在进行合作的可能,大国间虽然存在矛盾,但发生大规模的武装冲突和战争的可能性较小。中美关系表现出利益交织和相互依存渗透、相互竞争的特点,中美关系在起伏中向前发展。中俄政治经济关系迅速发展且仍有较大潜力; 中日政治矛盾出现了缓和的迹象,两国经济的相互依存关系在深化;中印政治经济关系有了较大的发展和变化;中国应妥善处理朝鲜半岛的统一、大国影响、核开发。对于中国而言,必须尽一切可能争取对自己比较有利的全球性和地区性国际体系。国际体系是中国和平发展的宏观国际环境的重要方面。中国与大国关系、周边国家关系构成了中国和平发展的重要国际环境。国际环境中既存在有利于中国和平发展的因素,也有不利于中国和平发展的因素。中国面临的国际环境与过去相比有了很大的变化,因此中国不会重复历史老路,不会挑战现有的国际秩序, 不使用武力扩张。坚持多边主义、做负责任的大国、防范国际政治环境对中国和平发展的消极影响等,是中国应对国际政治环境的主要战略选择。关键词:国际体系; 国际环境; 中国和平发展战略 Abstract The thesis gives acomprehensive analysis ofthe interrelations between global environment and national development. National interest isthe major driving force ofChina ’sintegration into the global system which endows China with great capacity of self-development. The main attributes ofthe international system are summarized asthe follows: First, peaceful development isthe major trend ofthe times. Second, countries with respective pete with each other inthe peaceful way. The cooperation possibilities exist among major powers. Although there are conflicts among the major powers, the outlook ofmassive military clashes and wars could becontained. The Sino-. political relationship represents itself asboth interdependent petitive and shows adeveloping rapidly, and entered into anew stage. The political and economic relations between China and Russia have been developing rapidly and hold great potential. There has been the sign ofmitigation interms ofpolitical conflicts between China and Japan. The economic interdependence between China and Japan isdeepening,. China –India relation has gone through big changes and development. The Korean peninsula isakey region that may influence China ’sdomestic development politically and economically, and China should take aprudent approach when dealing with the peninsula isakey region that may influence China ’sdomestic development politically and economically, and China should take ap