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Amid my strenuous study, I had an opportunity to participate in the American Legal System Study Program summer of my sophomore year and I was exposed to the great American culture. I engaged in an internship program at Michigan District Court, where I followed Judge ……. It was a great opportunity for me to see how the courts operate in the United States. The differences between the US and China legal systems provoked my curiosity. I was eager to explore how to ensure substantive justice in a case while following due process and how to apply precedents to different situations. I went on my second exchange study-abroad program to ……University fall of 2022 and participated in their . program. During this exchange study period, the issue of how to balance crime control and protection of human rights perplexed me. From then on, the thought of completing the . program in Cornell Law School, a school with unsurpassed legal education, has propelled me.

As a part of my degree, I interned at different legal departments. I was very fortunate to have an opportunity to intern at the Beijing office of ……. By involving myself in cases such as security offerings by Chinese corporate issuers and US security class actions against China-based companies listed on US stock exchanges, I became more aware of how a practicing lawyer gets involved in international trades. I researched on whether some foreign statutes are effective and I participated in legal work and preliminary drafting of research reports. It was the first time that I felt like I was making a contribution to society as lawy


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