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考察重点:主要考察考生对文章的整体内容和构造以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握t for parents to help their children reduce pressure. When your child is stressed, please try the following tips.
Please ask your child what is wrong. Get him or her to talk abou his or her problems and listen carefully.
A. Stay together with your child
B. Ask and listen
C. Speak out your child's feelings
D. Let your child exercise and relax
E. Make your child an organized person
It's very important for parents to help their children reduce pressure. When your child is stressed, please try the following tips.
Let your child know that you worry about him or her by saying something like “You must be upset.〞
A. Stay together with your child
B. Ask and listen
C. Speak out your child's feelings
D. Let your child exercise and relax
E. Make your child an organized person
It's very important for parents to help their children reduce pressure. When your child is stressed, please try the following tips.
Even if your child doesn't want to talk, he or she may still hope that you can spend time with him or her. Taking a walk or going to the movies with him or her can show that you care about him or her.
A. Stay together with your child
B. Ask and listen
C. Speak out your child's feelings
D. Let your child exercise and relax
E. Make your child an organized person
It's very important for parents to help their children reduce pressure. When your child is stressed, please try the following tips.
Teach your child good organizational skills early. This will make his or her work easier.
A. Stay together with your child
B. Ask and listen
C. Speak out your child's feelings
D. Let your child exercise and relax
E. Make your child an organized person
It's very important for parents to help their children reduce pressure. When your child is stressed, please try the following tips.


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