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  II. Guided Writing
  Directions: Write an English position in 120-150 words according to theinsy guard
分词的应用:located providing distinguished
句型:主语从句 标语从句 倒装等
Directions: Write an English position in 120 - 150 words according to the instructions given
below in Chinese.
● 对两堂绘画课的具体描述;
● 你从中获得的启发。
2012 Shanghai English Test writing sample 3
( for reference only )
Today I had an unusual e*perience , which refreshed my mind. With pupils I spent two periods of time in a primary school, watching them learn how to paint. A little girl named Amy, one student of the class, left me a deep impression with her unique painting.
In the first lesson the teacher required the pupils to paint freely. Namely , in any way they could draw whatever they’d like to. Amy was the first one to have a try. I saw her think for a little while, take off her shoes, then dip her feet slightly into the paint/ink. Much to my surprise, in a flash she managed to make a nice design on a broad piece of white paper/blanket with both of her feet. What happened ne*t, various of types of works painted by other children appearing before my eyes one by one ,kept me laughing with joy and amusement.
Following a break, the second class began. smiling ,the teacher made a brief ment, which was full of praise as well as appreciation. After that ,she gave the students some guidance about the traditional way of painting. With her teachers’ words in mind , Amy practiced again. Painting-brush in hand ,she sat a desk properly/straight ,paying full attention to her work. This time,with ease and e*citement she drew some birds flying high in the sky /sun.
Looking back at the two ways of giving a class, I have to admit the teacher was well worth following in matters of cultivating “flowers〞 in the spirit of originality. Given that children are of great imagination and elasticity in their growth , they are su


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