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上传人:大笑大甜 2022/1/27 文件大小:13 KB





再次受到破坏了。 你想知道初中生是如何写一篇保护环境的英语
作文吗 ?下面小编给大家精心挑选的关于保护环境的英语It's all so easy, it's just our thoughts! Environmental protection is in a little bit of life, he is
very close to us, within reach, but very far away. He will not approach us voluntarily, we need us to approach him.
Environmental protection is not only protecting our
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homeland, but also protecting ourselves. Only have a beautiful home, we can happy life, but if one day our home as a result of our constant recreation and real disappears, then each of us has ceased to exist. Environmental protection is protecting ourselves!
The beauty of the past has faded away from us. The blue sky was drifting away from us. If the earth is gone, we will not be able to hear the birds... It's too late to regret it! We must protect the environment and protect our beautiful homeland.
保护环境的英语作文初中篇 2
As you all know, due to excessive for mankind to nature, has led to a merciless retaliatory nature: hurricanes, rain, storms, floods, drought, pests, heat, forest fires, earthquakes and other disasters enters the room, all over the world due to reasons such as drought the migration of refugees is expected to reach 100 million people by 20XX 年.
Bitter ecological lesson, has cause the attention of the world and all mankind, the ioc evaluation commi


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