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文档介绍:中国生态农业学报 2010 年 5 月 第 18 卷 第 3 期
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, May 2010, 18(3): 654−658 珠江ronmental Science,
Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, China)
Abstract The effects of 4 amendments [lime, calcium-magnesium phosphate (Ca-Mg-P fertilizer), alkali slag and peat] on biomass,
Cd uptake of Brassia chinensis, and pH and DTPA-extracted Cd in Cd-contaminated soils were investigated in a pot experiment of
two continuous crops of B. chinensis. The results show insignificant effects on B. chinensis biomass of additions of 1 mg·kg−1 and 5
mg·kg−1 Cd. However, some form of promotion of biomass is noted under 1 mg·kg−1 Cd addition. Amendments do not significantly
improve biomass, but remarkably decrease shoot Cd content in B. chinensis in Cd-polluted soils. The order of efficiency of the 4
amendments on reducing shoot Cd content is lime ≈ peat>alkali slag>Ca-Mg-P fertilizer. 4 amendments present different
Cd-reduction effects on B. chinensis root. In the first and second crop, peat and lime decrease root Cd under all Cd treatments, while
Ca-Mg-P fertilizer shows the same effect only under 0 and 1 mg·kg−1 Cd. Alkali slag shows not effect. There is a significantly
negative correlation between soil DTPA-extracted Cd and pH. Lime, peat and Ca-Mg-P fertilizer increase soil pH, and decrease


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