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文档介绍:湖北工业大学硕士学位论文武汉市滨江公共空间——汉口江滩公园设计研究姓名:杨俊平申请学位级别:硕士专业:设计艺术学指导教师:黄建军; 安琪 20100301 湖北工业大学硕士学位论文摘要城市滨水区是城市开发中的重要资源,在提高城市环境质量、改善和保护地域风貌、重塑城市新形象等方面具有极为重要价值。世界各地掀起了滨水区开发与再开发的热潮,我国许多城市也开始了对滨水区的改造活动。如何对滨水区进行有效地开发利用成为设计中的关键。大部分城市的做法是在开发之余保留滨江自然景观带,把它作为供市民休憩的公共空间,但在滨江公共空间的设计中却出现了许多诸如生态破坏、历史文脉继承、亲水性不足、地区特色缺乏等方面的问题。本文对国内外相关城市景观设计理论进行综述,研究国内外城市滨水区再开发实践活动,总结滨水区开发的动因、特征及我国城市滨水区开发建设的特征和开发过程中存在的问题。在此基础上展开滨江区城市公共空间设计的多角度研究, 探索滨江公共空间设计的原则、方法。最后基于对武汉市汉口江滩改造工程的实践探索,在汉口江滩整体规划设计中运用多维联系的设计思路,对设计原则、设计思维和设计方法等进行系统论述, 以实际案例强化,具体化,总结滨江区城市公共空间设计的方法。目的在于对一个良性的城市滨江公共空间的设计方法论进行一个较为全面的总结论述;并希望研究成果能为当今滨江公共空间设计中出现的问题提供一些解决之道。关键词: 滨江,公共空间,景观设计,亲水 I 湖北工业大学硕士学位论文 Abstract Urban Waterfront District is an important resource for urban development in improving urban environmental quality, improvement and protection of geographical style, reshape city's new image, and so has a very important value. Around the world, set off a waterfront development and redevelopment of the boom, many cities in China have also embarked on a transformation of the activities of the waterfront. How to effectively develop the waterfront area used asa design of the key. The practice of most cities in the development of the Riverside I retain the natural landscape zone, for the public to open it asa public space, but in the design of public space in Riverside but there were many, such as ecological destruction, and historical Context inheritance, lack of hydrophilic and regional characteristics and the lack of such issues. In this paper, related to urban landscape design theory at home and abroad to conduct research and review domestic and international urban waterfront re-development of practical activities, summed up the waterfront development of the causes, characteristics and China's urban waterfront development and construction of the characteristics and problems in the development process . On this basis, Binjiang District, started the design of urban public space multi-angle studies, explore the Riverside public space design pr