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上传人:mh900965 2016/8/31 文件大小:98 KB





文档介绍:生活英语一点通 've run out of cigarette. 我的烟抽完了 copier has run out of paper. 复印机里的纸用完了 're running out of store ran out of Starbucks coffee,so i bought French cafe instead. 商店里的星巴克咖啡卖完了,所以我买了法式咖啡 world is running out of water. 地球很缺水 'm running out of time. 我没时间了 'm running out of patience. 我没耐心了 's passed out because he had too much drink. 他因为喝酒太多休克了 lost consciousness. 雷失去知觉了 always faints at the sight of blood. 他一看见血就会晕倒 blacked out and woke up two days later. 他昏迷两天后才醒过来 't put off for tomorrow what you can do today! 今日事今日毕 baseball game had to be postponed because of bad weather. 因为天气的原因,棒球比赛不得不延期举行 presentations has been put off for a week. 演示会推迟一周举行 we delay the presentation a few days? 我们可以将报告延后几天吗? had to put the presentation back a week. 我们不得不将报告推迟一周进行 me be./Give me some space!/Don't get in my way today. 别惹我 's a pain at my side/in the neck. 如鲠在喉 traffic isn't moving./The traffic is backed up. 堵车了 traffic is heave/horrible. 交通很繁忙 'm ina traffic jam. 交通堵塞 's bumper to bumper everyday! 每天都像这样车连着车 'm stuck in traffic. 车子夹在中间不能动弹了 are not allowed to park here. Your car will be towed away. 你的车不能停在这儿, 会被拖走的 man is known by pany he keeps. 视其友,知其人 and wine improve with age. 朋友和酒都是越久越醇 friend to all isa friend to none. 和谁都好的朋友不一定是真的好朋友 your money and lose your friend. 你借钱给朋友就会失去这个朋友 'm not really in touch with what young people are interested in. 我真的不了解现在的年轻人对什么感兴趣 friend in need isa friend indeed. 患难见真情 've been out of touch with most of my old friends. 我和很多老朋友都失去了联系 's hard to keep in contact. 想保持联系真是不容易啊 of sight,out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦 just drift apart. 变得逐渐疏远 didn't watch TV lately,so I'pletely out of touch. 我最近没怎么看电视,所以对当下的时事一无所知 lost touch with him. 我和他失去了联系 are so slim/look fit/have a good figure/in good shape. 你身材真好 'm kind of the person who p