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As luck would have it, a map of Heilongjiang looks like a beautiful snow, and Harbin the capital, is reputed to be a pearl on the neck of the swan.
A-cheng District, one of the 8 districts of Harbin, used to the capital city of the Jin Dynasty. During 38 years, Harbin witnesses the development of this dynasty and its 4 emperors. In 1153, Emperor Hailing, moved the capital from here to Beijing. From then on, This area was worshiped as the birthplace of the Jin and Qing Dynasty.
In 1896, Russia seized the power from the Qing government to extend its Siberian railway, also known as China-eastern railway, from Vladivostok into Northeast China. It is so important because it link the Asian and European continents. Harbin, then only a cluster of some fishing villages on the bank of Songhuajiang River, was chosen as the management. So the city growen up alongside the Far-East Railway.
When the railway was completed in 1903, the modern city was starting to take shape. Harbin became the virgin land of opportunity that attracted people seeking freedom and fortune from all over the world. Known for its economic importance, cultural tolerance and racial variety, Harbin evolved into a true international metropolis in modern sense.