文档介绍:Herein we cover the key concepts in the field of thermoelectric materials research, present the current understanding, and show the latest developments. Current research is aimed at increasing the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) by maximizing the power factor and/or minimizing the thermal conductivity. Attempts at maximizing the power factor include the development of new materials, optimization of existing materials by doping, and the exploration of nanoscale materials. The minimization of the thermal conductivity e through solid-solution alloying, use of materials with intrinsically low thermal conductivity, and nanostructuring. Herein we describe the most promising bulk materials with emphasis on results from the last decade. Single-phase bulk materials are discussed in terms of chemistry, crystal structure, physical properties, and optimization of thermoelectric performance. The new opportunities for enhanced performance bulk posite materials are examined and a look into the not so distant future is attempted. 本文主要介绍热电材料研究领域的关键概念,目前的研究进展,并介绍些最新的发展。目前的研究旨在提高热电优值( ZT )以最大限度地提高功率因数和/ 或降低热导率。对于最大限度地提高功率因数的尝试,包括新材料的开发,现有的材料优化主要是对掺杂纳米材料的探索。对于热导率的最小化,可以通过固溶合金的使用,它是一种具有低的热导率并且是纳米结构的材料。我们在此重点描述最有前途的集成材料。我们主要讨论单相集成材料中的化学,物理特性,晶体结构,和热电性能优化。为增强性能的集成纳米复合材料已经在研究和尝试,它的使用将不会再遥不可及。 The emerging global need for energy production, conservation, and management has intensified interest in m