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煤矿用刮板输送机设计.doc [2.20 MB]
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文档介绍:专科毕业设计题目: 煤矿用刮板输送机设计学院: 专业: 年级: 姓名: 指导教师: 完成日期: 年月 1 摘要刮板输送机是一种挠性牵引的连续输送机械,是为采煤工作面和采区巷道运煤布置的机械。它的牵引机构是刮板链,承载装置是中部槽,刮板链安装在中部槽的槽面。中部槽沿运输路线全线铺设,刮板链绕经机头、机尾的链轮接成封闭形置于中部槽中, 与滚筒采煤机和输送机推移装置配套,实现落煤、装煤、运煤及推移输送机械化。沿输送机全长都可向溜槽中装煤,装入中部槽中的煤被刮板链拖拉,在中部槽内滑行到卸载端卸下。一般的刮板输送机能在 25°以下的条件使用。刮板输送机在使用中要受拉、压、弯曲、冲击摩擦和腐蚀等多种作用,因此,必须有足够的强度、刚度、耐磨和耐腐蚀性。由于它的运输方式是物料和刮板链都在槽内滑行,因此运行阻力和磨损都很大。但是,在采煤工作面运煤,目前还没有更好的机械可代替,只能从结构上、强度上和制造工艺上不断研究,使它更加完善、耐用。刮板输送机是与大型综采工作面设备配套使用的液压支架、采煤机,完成把工作面采煤机采下的煤输送、转运到后续运输设备上的任务,并提供相应的连接手段。设计要求与 ZY2300 转载机自移机尾配套,以实现在 。与 ZY2300 转载机自移机尾配合可更方便地调节皮带机,增强了输送机与转载机配合的协调性。本刮板输送机与 MG300/700-WD 采煤机配套使用,运量可达 1000 t/h, 技术先进,工作可靠,是大型综采配套设备的优秀机型。关键词:刮板输送机;减速器;机头部;机尾部;液力耦合器。 2 Abstract Scraper conveyor isa reprint of fully coal face ancillary equipment in the transport system an important part of the roadway in the face of the accepted face scraper conveyor unloading of coal flow, not halt the transfer to the retractable belt Conveyor boost. Bridge reversed loader with the face-scraper conveyor machine synchronous over his head, face Shearer guarantee for coal mining, and fully mechanized coal face of high yield and high efficiency operations. Scraper conveyor isa reprint ofa special structure of the scraper conveyor, powertrain and drive and scraper conveyor similar toa ramp of its fuselage and a section of the arch bridge structure and belt conveyors in the tail Paragraph above lap. In the back-alley in the coal face when the machine goes to reprint its arch bridge and allof the aircraft ended the lap belt conveyor stack of position limits, a retractable belt conveyor shortened ride Next length of the belt conveyor for the development of the shift to home-unloading nose reproduced below, can be reproduced with the face of the advance goes forward. Reproduced large-scale machine is fully coal face with the equipment supporting the use of the Gate transmission, reproduced equipment, plete the face conveyor sent to the coal transportation, transit facilities to follow upon