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上传人:文秘资料站 2022/2/4 文件大小:37 KB





Dogs are passionate, friendly and the most importa my family's life greatly.
After school, I was about to enter my apartment building when a little dirty dog, lying beside the du,stbin, caught my eye. He looked extremely weak. Immediately the homeless dog filled me with sympathy. So I bent down and held him in my arms. I rushed him upstairs and right away fixed him some food. Then, I gave him a bath. After the bath he looked energetic and refreshed. What a lovely dog!
When my parents got home, I asked if I could keep the dog. To my surprise and happiness, they agreed. From that day, he has become a member of our family. Everyone has enjoyed his company. My parents walk him often. He and I play joyfully.
Looking at the cute, happy dog today. I realize that I did the fight thing. I brought him to a warm, loving home and he has brought us great happiness and laughter.
On National Day last year,mom and I saw a dog on the was thin and was looking at us for was shaking in the made me asked my mother if I could take it home?My mother said went home with the cleaned his body and fur.
From then,it has been our family I got angry at him,but he was running around me to my parents got home from work,he will go


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