文档介绍:黑脸娃娃激光清洗机使用必读科技创造美丽诚信赢得市场 1 黑脸娃娃纳米碳粉治疗原理及使用方法规格: 黑脸娃娃/柔肤镭射专用纳米碳粉,本品为膏状,采用胶瓶装,规格为 80ml/ 瓶。原理: 本品利用纳米活性碳的紧吸附特性和超细特性,有效深入毛孔并紧紧吸住恼人的油脂及脏物污垢,并且在柔肤激光照射下,充分吸收超强的激光能量,致使碳粉爆破,能有效震碎深层污垢,产生高热能量充分刺激皮肤真皮层胶原蛋白的新生及胶原组织纤维的收缩,从而达到美白、淡斑、收缩毛孔、去黑头之功效。内含维他命 B3 和 B5 可以有效保护皮肤,温和护理肌肤。使用后可轻松进行深层清洁,让你毛塞顿开, 净化毛孔出油问题,改善粉刺问题,促进肌肤新陈代谢,让肌肤更加柔嫩细滑、明亮清爽。使用方法: 首先清洁面部,加热面部使毛细管张开,然后把纳米级碳粉涂抹在面部, 10-15 分钟后,毛细血管收缩并吸收碳粉,把多余的碳粉用精细的毛刷轻轻刷掉,把黑脸娃娃的治疗波段拧上去,对准面部进行照射即可,距离面部的照射距离为 5-10 公分,后续进行补水护理, 3天治疗一次,连续治疗 5次,然后再间隔 10-1 5 天,连续治疗 3次,以后 30天再进行治疗 2次即可。 Vervet doll nano carbon powder principle and method of use Specification: vervet doll/softening laser special nano carbon powder, this product is creamy, using plastic bottles for 80ml/bottle, specifications. Principle: the product using nanometer active carbon adsorption characteristic and the tight ultrafine characteristics, effectively in-depth pores and tightly suck the grease and dirt living annoying in soft skin dirt, and under the laser irradiation, fully absorb, causing the laser energy superpower carbon powder, can effectively shatter blasting heat energy produced deep dirt, fully stimulate the dermal collagen skin and the collagen fiber anization, thus reach whitening, shrinking pale spot, shrink pores, to the effect of black. Contain vitamin B3 and B5 can effectively protect skin, gentle care skin. After use, can be easily to undertake deep-seated cleanness, make you