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文档介绍:天津市天馨苑小区 36# 楼采暖工程设计 Heating Project d esign for Building in Tianxinyuan District of Tianjin 摘要本次设计为天津市天馨苑小区 36# 楼采暖工程设计和小区换热站工艺设计。其中采暖设计包括热负荷计算,采暖系统方案的确定和采暖系统水力计算;换热站设计包括换热站规模的确定、设备的选型计算和换热站的工艺布置及相关计算。 36#楼的建筑面积为 7863 ㎡,采暖热负荷 114 kW ,采暖系统形式为地板辐射采暖,热媒设计参数为 45/35 ℃,户内盘管管材选用管径为 20mm 的聚丁烯( PB )管。换热站供热规模为 13万㎡,设计总负荷为 MW 。一次热网热水由地热供热站提供,设计参数为 71/38℃,二次网热水参数为温度 45/35℃。换热站内设置两组 B BR 50型板式换热器,每组承担 70% 的总热负荷;循环水泵选择三台,型号为 KL(W)-125-160A ,两用一备;补水泵选择两台,型号为 KL(W)-40-125 。在设计过程中,查阅了大量的参考资料,采用了目前常用的设备和新的技术,并对建筑节能给予关注。关键词: 集中供热;地板辐射采暖;换热站;设计 ABSTRACT It isa design for Tianjin tianxinyuan 36# Building heating engineering , including the design for the Tianjin tianxinyuan 36# Building heating project and district heating exchange station, The heating design contains heating heat load calculations, heating systems and the heating systems to determine the program of hydraulic calculation; H eat exchange station design takes brief introdunction , exchange station equipment selection , process of calculation and heat transfer station l ayout and calculations. 36# floor covers the area of4732 square meters, heating loads of 100kW, thermal media set parameters of 45/35 ℃, heating system in the form of radiant floor heating, pipe diameter is 12mm. The total heat load of station design is , heat transfer area covers 12 million square meters, the work design parameters for the heating medium is 71/38 ℃, the work parameters for the heating medium temperature is 45/35 ℃. Heat transfer stations choose two type BBR50 plate heat exchanger from energy-saving Equipment Co. Ltd Be ijing Hua Yixin, each takes 70% of the heat load; three KL(W)-125-160A -type c irculating pump from Kaili water pump, two KL(W)-40-125 -type pumps from Kaili T hird P ump. In design process, I have looked upa large number of references, using monly used equipment and new technology, and pay much attention to the building energy conservation . Key words: central heating; floor heating system ;heat exchange sta


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