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文档介绍:第一章标题语言?第一节标题的语法特点?第二节标题的措词特点?第三节中英文标题比较第三节中英文标题比较? 1 提炼程度不同? 2 措词手法各异? 3 时态表述有别主要差异/分类英文新闻标题中文新闻标题标题形式较多采用单层式( single-deck ), 少有引题和副题作陪衬。通常采用多层式( multi-deck ),不仅有主标题,还辅之以引题烘托气氛,并在主标题之下配以副题,补充主标题之不足。提炼程度 “重点化”( accentuation ),着力于以精炼的文字概括出新闻中最重要的某一点或方面; “梗概”( a skeleton of the news )。 “全体性”( totality ),着力于尽可能详尽、完整地囊括新闻内容; “超微型新闻”( a mini-story in capsule form )。措词手法 、名词、节缩词等; ; 。 ; ; 。时态表述一般避免使用诸如“ yesterday ”、“ last night ”、“ last week ”和“ recently/not long ago ”等表示过去时间概念的词。经常特意借助诸如“昨天”、“昨晚”、“上周”和“日前”等表示过去时间概念的词语以衬托时间关系。编排形式只能采用横排形式( horizontal form )。不仅可用横排形式,还可采用竖排形式( vertical form )等多种形式。第二章语法特征 ABC accuracy accuracy clarity clarity brevity brevity 第二章语法特征?第一节灵活采用省略句式?第二节酌情镶嵌插入语?第三节句型松散,富有弹性?第四节巧用时态,不拘呼应?第五节前置定语,种类繁多?第六节注明出处,形式多样介词“ on ”的省略例1: NABLUS, Israel-occupied West Bank —— Backers of the Palestine anization defeated Islamic fundamentalist Friday in an election here. 例2: BANNGKOK —— Suchinda Kraprayoon resigned Sunday as Thailand ’ s Prime minister to take responsibility for bloody repression of democracy protests, and pressure immediately began to build against a last-minute amnesty that would absolve him and major allies from legal punishment. 连词“ that ”的省略例3: Butros-Ghali said **** the rich nations were to blame for the rising of the Earth ’ s temperature —— the greenhouse effect while the poor nations were to blame for the destruction of the ’ s resources. 例4: Li told Major **** the Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong and Memorandum of Understanding on the New Hong Kong Airport had formulated the principles and framework for further consultation and cooperation between the two countries during the transition period of Hong Kong. 第二章语法特征?第一节灵活采用省略句式?第二节酌情镶嵌嵌入语( parenthesis ) ?第三节句型松散,富有弹性?第四节巧用时态,不拘呼应?第五节前置定语,种类繁多?第六节注明出处,形式多样例1: Washington Hotel, part of Washington ’ s exclusive and notorious plex , has bee