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基于 阳化气 阴成形 理论探讨排卵障碍的中医证治.pdf

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基于 阳化气 阴成形 理论探讨排卵障碍的中医证治.pdf

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基于 阳化气 阴成形 理论探讨排卵障碍的中医证治.pdf



文档介绍:2022 年 2 月 10 日 第 2 期 中 医 学 报 第 37 卷 总第 285 期
No. 2 10 Februar ,
insufficient and it is difficult to break through the cell membrane and discharge during ovulation. Therefore regulating Yin and

Yang is essential for the treatment of ovulation disorders. For those with insufficient " Yin constituting form" the main method

should be to invigorate the Kidney and fill essence and nourish Blood and to nourish Yin to fill the shape. For those who are weak

in " Yang transforming Qi" warming the Spleen and Kidney should be the main method and strengthening Yang to replenish Qi. In

the overall syndrome differentiation the growth cycle of the follicle is taken into account in order to achieve the best " balance of
Yin and Yang" .
: ; ; ;
Key words " Yang transforming Qi while Yin constituting form" ovulation disorders TCM syndrome and treatment invigorating
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Kidney filling Essence and nourishing blood warming the Spleen and Ki