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文档介绍:精品讲座之——《大学·人生》主讲人:邢大地承办方:中央财经大学国贸学院明喻中西方文化寓意相同的? as cold as ice (像冰一样冷) ? as fat as a pig (胖得像猪) ? as cunning as a fox (像狐狸一样狡猾) ? as still as death (死一般沉寂) ? as graceful as a swan (像天鹅一样美丽) ? as chaste as ice (冰清玉洁) ? as greedy as a wolf (像狼一样贪婪) ? as loyal as a dog (像狗一样忠诚) ? as handsome as paint (美丽如画) 中西方文化寓意不同的: ? to eat like a horse (像马一样能吃) ? to drink like a fish (像鱼一样能喝) ? like a drowned rat (落汤鼠一样) ? like a peacock among sparrows (像孔雀站在麻雀里) ? like a hen on a hot girdle (像热烤盘上的母鸡) ? as drunk as a rat (烂醉如泥) ? as merry as a cricket (像蟋蟀一样快乐) ? as poor as a church mouse (穷得像教堂里的耗子) ? as thin as lath (骨瘦如柴) ? as close as an oyster (像牡蛎一样闭嘴) ? as stupid as a goose (愚蠢得跟鹅一样) 暗喻: ? teach a fish to swim (教鱼游泳——班门弄斧) ? feather one ’ s nest (往自己的巢里弄羽毛——中饱私囊) ? beard the lion in his den (在狮子的洞口拔它的胡须——虎口拔牙) ? add insult to injury (给受伤的人以侮辱——雪上加霜) ? cast pearls before swine (把珍珠放在猪面前——对牛弹琴) ? hold the candle to the devil (为恶魔打火把——助纣为虐) ? cry up wine and sell vinegar (吆喝酒却卖醋——表里不一) ? fish in the air (在空气中钓鱼——水中捞月) ? lock the stable door after the horse is stolen (马被偷了后上锁——亡羊补牢) ? kill two birds with one stone (一石二鸟) ? set a fox to keep one ’ s geese (让狐狸看管鹅群——引狼入室) ? let sleeping dogs lie (让睡觉的狗躺着吧——不要打草惊蛇) ? kick against the pricks (朝刺上踢腿——以卵击石) ? let the cat out of the bag (让猫爬出袋子——露出马脚) ? hold a wolf by the ears / take the bull by the horns (抓住狼的耳朵/公牛的角——骑虎难下)